

17 programs was successfully asssessed and recogized by AUN-QA

In July 2018, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) was recognized as an associate member of the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). By July 2019, TDTU successfully conducted the evaluation of four undergraduate programs under the AUN-QA accreditation standards. The remaining undergraduate programs were enhanced and aligned with these standards.

The first four programs accredited by AUN-QA include Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, Software Engineering, Environmental Science, and Finance and Banking. The accreditation is valid for five years, from July 20, 2019, to July 19, 2024. By July 2024, AUN-QA conducted re-evaluations for three undergraduate programs: Software Engineering, Finance and Banking, and Environmental Science. Among these, Software Engineering and Environmental Science achieved the level of "Adequate as Expected," while Finance and Banking received "Better than Adequate." The renewed accreditation is valid for five years, from August 18, 2024, to August 17, 2029.

In March 2021, AUN-QA accredited four more undergraduate programs at TDTU, including Applied Mathematics, Accounting, Biotechnology, and English Language. The accreditation is valid for five years, from March 1, 2021, to February 28, 2026.

In November 2021, AUN-QA further recognized three undergraduate programs: Architecture, Graphic Design, and Occupational Safety and Health. The accreditation is valid for five years, from November 1, 2021, to October 31, 2026.

In March 2023, AUN-QA accredited four more undergraduate programs, including Pharmacy, Chemical Engineering, Interior Design, and Environmental Engineering Technology. The accreditation is valid for five years, from January 22, 2023, to January 21, 2028.

In March 2024, AUN-QA accredited two more undergraduate programs at TDTU: Chinese Language and Fashion Design. The accreditation is valid for five years, from March 29, 2024, to March 28, 2029. According to the certification results, these two programs achieved either "Better than Adequate" or "Adequate as Expected."

The AUN-QA standards include specific and transparent criteria that comprehensively evaluate academic programs from various perspectives, such as expected learning outcomes, curriculum design, faculty quality, infrastructure, and graduate attributes. The accreditation of multiple academic programs by AUN-QA, a prestigious international accreditation body, represents a significant milestone for TDTU in its journey toward internationalization and development in alignment with global and regional standards.
